I Think My Dad Has A Gambling Problem

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I Think My Dad Has A Gambling Problem 4,0/5 1841 votes

No, you cannot save your dad from this problem. You can help him when he is ready to give up gambling which can be hasten by giving him an ultimatum. He either choose gambling or his family and relationship, it cannot be both. If your dad answers yes to any of these questions, he may have a problem. To find help contact the National Council on Problem Gambling (NCPgambling.org), a non-profit organization that operates a. Anyone who flat-out denies they have a gambling problem, despite evidence to the contrary, is either well on their way to full-blown gambling addiction or is already there. By the time someone is deep into gambling, their behavior becomes consistent and predictable. They will do anything and say anything to get to their primary goal: gambling. It's a great question. Problem gambling among seniors is definitely on the rise. Seniors have time and money on their hands, and the influx of casinos across the country have made access to gambling much more convenient. Here's what you should know, along with some tips and resources that can help your mom if she does indeed have a problem. Your dad has a serious problem, but unfortunately he doesn't realize it because he's addicted. Gambling addition is the same as any other addiction. He's not going to change until he gains some.

My dad has always spent ALOT of money on the lottery.
I moved out about 4 years ago, but recently moved back in with him over the summer, because he asked me and my husband to. He is having serious financial problems.
If he doesn't have taxes paid by January, he will lose his house. Ontop of his gambling addiction, he is in credit debt, and loan debt. He has his credit cards consolidated.. He also has a impulsive buying habit, but since I've moved in, that has SEEMED To have gotten better.
The thing is, he just doesn't have money. I went through all of his expenses, and income, and he should have HUNDREDS of dollars left over each month.. like 7-800! and he doesn't. He also is lying to me about his spending.
I have invested pretty much all of my savings into helping pay this years taxes, and his school taxes, but he still owes quite a bit more, that HAS to be paid by January. My husband and I are living off bare minimums and do not have extra money to just give him. We can help pay some of his bills, utilities, food, etc, since we are living here, but my dad makes easily twice as much as we do!
I think my wife has a gambling problemHe was trying to hide his habit for a while, but got sloppy.. He has an cupboard where he keeps important documents, and other things.. I looked in there the other day and saw that it was PACKED with his expired lotto tickets.
We had an argument last night about what he did with certain money that was supposed to go toward taxes. He only paid $550 of it, and it was supposed to be $900.
I then asked him how much and how often he is spending on lotto.
GamblingHe would not answer me, starting yelling at me, telling me he didn't need to explain himself to anyone.
I left and came back several hours later.. I decided tonight to look in his cupboard again, to get an idea of how much he spends on lotto, and he took every single ticket out of there.
What am I supposed to do? I am as financially responsible now as he is, if he loses his house in January, then my husband, and 2 children as well as me, will have no where to go. We have given my dad ALL of our money. My dad has lived in this house for over 60 years and I couldn't stand seeing him so stressed out over losing it.
I want to try to talk to him, to get him to admit he has a problem, to see if he would be willing to go to counseling, but I really don't think he would.
Any suggestions? I'm in over my head, and don't know what to do! I'm not even 24 yet, have student loans of my own, my own family, and ontop of that, I am worrying about the impulsive lottery addiction that has ruined my dad's life. Hi Guys,
I'm not really sure what I want to ask here... I guess I kind of just want some hope, or some direction, and maybe a bit of a vent.
My partner has a gambling problem...

I Think My Dad Has A Gambling Problem Involving

The week before Christmas he gambled his entire pay - I was on maternity leave at the time, and we had no presents for the kids.
Most recently, last week he again put his entire pay through the pokies.
I'm back at work now, but only part time, as we have 3 kids.
We struggle, week to week, to pay for Child care and other things, but due to outside circumstances that I will get into a bit later, I need to go back to work.
His decision to gamble his whole pay has meant that no bills were paid this week, and worse, we have hardly any food in the house. Our kids have staples for their school/day care lunches, and I've not been able to have a full meal all week, making me lethargic as I'm still breastfeeding our 7 month old.
When I try to talk to my partner about the effects his decisions have on the kids and myself, he turns it around on me, and says that it's my ex husbands fault as he doesn't pay any child support for our 2 eldest boys (another long story, but the boys see my new partner as their Dad, and have nothing to do with their biological father), that he's stressed from working, and even that I'm spending too much money on our household expenses. I know that for a family of 5, our outgoings are not that high in reality, but he is always reluctant to help out and contribute financially to the things we have, and the things we do.
After his big loss over Christmas, he promised me he would get help, and promised me he would never do it again. The past few weeks, I know he's been stressed out, and feeling down. I noticed a change in his behaviour and asked if he was gambling again, he has denied and denied and denied. Looked me in my eyes, and lied - until he knew he couldn't lie anymore, and came clean.
He's told me he doesn't want to speak with anyone about his problem, but won't let me control the finances. He's the bread winner in the house, and I can't get him to agree to letting me pay the bills/food/rent and then giving him the rest of his pay.
This is so scary for me, as I had left my ex husband for an addiction, not gambling, but ICE. He left the country and subsequently left me with a large joint loan, of which I've just entered into a debt agreement for. If things keep going the way they are going with my current partner, I'm terrified for mine, and my children's financial future.

I Think My Dad Has A Gambling Problem Among

I Think My Son Has A Gambling Problem

I understand that he needs to want the help, but I just don't know how to help him... 'He doesn't want me to talk to anyone close to us about his problem, and I just feel a bit stuck, and partly like it's my fault, as I've brought the stress of 2 children that aren't his into his life (one of which has autism), of course, I realise it's not my fault, I just think that after hearing that it is my fault for such a long time, I'm starting to believe it myself.